Sunday, August 15, 2010

Magazines at our reach !

Nowadays children produce a lot of literary items as a part of class room activities. They write poetry, rhyme ,skits, diaries, letters, slogans, etc. Many of them are outstanding pieces. But unfortunately the windows for these little buds to the outer sky are limited.

Every school can have magazines of their own utilizing the IT facilities already available there. If not, the schools can think about other ways.
Admitting the fact that we have less time to make a magazine, the following are some tips to save time.
1. Releasing a magazine can be taken as an activity of the English club.
2. Distribute uniform sheets of paper to children to save time.
3. Compile these sheets to form a magazine.
 Simple rhymes can be elicited in the following way
Give last lines of a rhyme
for Eg:




Rain is a dream!

Let children compose their own lines. Select the best lines and include it in the magazine.

Similarly, other discourses can also be developed.

Friends, Your suggestions are awaited!
Tips for making printed/digital newsletters...Please click here...

1 comment:

  1. it's wonderful that all the classes in a school and all the schools in the district and the state publish magazines containing children's creative work emerges out from the classroom learning processes. The example given above will prompt the children play with words and live every moment with letters and words to pour out their emotions and thoughts. children can write critical appreciation about a character or an event they come across in the units of their text book.
